Upcoming webinar - Turkey: Fundamental change or business as usual?
Date: 25 April, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time

What does Erdogan's defeat in municipal elections mean for Turkey? In response, will he rely on pragmatism or return to heterodoxy? When will the next elections be? What does Minister Simsek’s and the CBRT’s disinflation “Program” entail and what are its chances of success? What do these factors mean for Turkey's macro outlook look for 2024 and into 2025?
Please join us for our live Zoom Webinar
featuring GlobalSource Partners' Analysts
Atilla Yesilada and Murat Ucer
discussing the implications of Erdogan's political losses for Turkey's macroeconomic and political outlook
For more information about this event and registration, please contact us with the button below or email us at team@globalsourcepartners.com.