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Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 10:00AM
Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM (EDT)
Caucasus / Central Asia and Global Source Partners
Country Insights
Rates on hold for now, but possible tightening in the coming year
Rates on hold despite an increase in the inflation environment There were no real surprises in the interest rate decision. The Bank of Israel noted that there was an acceleratio...
A complex landscape
The 2024-2025 outlook is strongly influenced by the July 28, 2024 events. They raised the risk of diplomatic and economic isolation, imposed a brake on growth and disinflation, ...
The Senate confirmed Galípolo’s appointment to the presidency of the Central Bank, Senator Braga was appointed as the rapporteur for the Tax Reform regulation bill, and X began to come back online for users in Brazil
As expected, and with no surprises, the Senate confirmed the appointment of economist Gabriel Galípolo as president of the Central Bank from 2025 to 2028. He is expected to take...
Expect a temporarily low headline inflation figure tomorrow
The September CPI-inflation data is due from KSH early morning tomorrow.There seems to be broad consensus that a significantly lower number is likely to show up for the headline...