A new vice-president was elected

ECUADOR - In Brief 08 Jan 2018 by Magdalena Barreiro

After three months of political uncertainty, the destiny of former Vice-President Jorge Glass, sentenced to six years of prison, was sealed this past Saturday when legislators voted for Deputy Vice-President Maria Alejandra Vicuna to continue in office. Vicuna, once an enthusiastic Correista who supported indefinite re-election, turned her back on her former colleagues and on Correa to support Moreno and work in favor of the coming referendum, which has as one of its major questions precisely one that might prevent re-election from taking place. Hard Correista legislators did not show up for the vote on Saturday, and Vicuna was elected by 70 legislators out of 106 present (from a total of 137). Nineteen abstained, and 17 voted no. In the meanwhile, the political campaign in favor and against the referendum taking place on February 4th, started with the presence of Rafael Correa heading the group against it. According to the most recent polls, more than 65% of the people would vote yes to the seven questions of the referendum. It remains to be seen if Correa’s charm turns that decision around.

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