Ana Amélia strengthens Alckmin’s campaign

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 03 Aug 2018 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

​Senator Ana Amélia (PP-RS) has agreed to be the VP on Geraldo Alckmin’s (PSDB) presidential ticket. This is extremely positive news for the PSDB candidate. Ana Amélia, aside from strengthening the campaign of the former governor of São Paulo in the South region, where Álvaro Dias (PODE) has shown a good performance in the electoral polls, also brings Alckmin closer to the agribusiness sector, which had previously expressed support for Jair Bolsonaro (PSL), one of the PSDB’s main adversaries in the presidential race. The choice shows that Geraldo Alckmin will focus his attention on the Southeast and South regions, where the PSDB has a consistent structure and showed positive results in the 2016 municipal elections, building what has been referred to as the “blue belt”.

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