Armistice between the powers

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 17 Jun 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The decision of the Minister of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, to ask for the breach of bank secrecy of federal deputies Bia Kicis (PSL-DF), Carla Zambelli (PSL-SP), Cabo Junio Amaral (PSL-MG), Otoni de Paula (PSC-RJ), Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ), Carolina de Toni (PSL-SC), Alê Silva (PSL-MG), General Girão (PSL-RN), Guiga Peixoto (PSL-SP) and Aline Sleutjes (PSL-PR), in addition to Senator Arolde de Oliveira (PSD-RJ) – within the scope of the investigation of anti-democratic acts – generated a reaction by President Jair Bolsonaro aimed at the Supreme Court.

Today, during his traditional conversation with supporters, at the exit of the Alvorada Palace, Bolsonaro said, “The time is coming for everything to be put in its proper place. I am doing exactly what must be done. I will not be the first to kick the stick in the tent. They´re abusing, okay? Is that clear?"

Faced with an adverse scenario in the courts, Jair Bolsonaro has avoided raising the tone of his political discourse. Even though important deputies who are allied with him are being affected, the president´s criticisms of the STF were indirect and brief. Another sign of this armistice between the powers can be seen on the social networks. Although there have been some criticisms of the breach of banking secrecy of parliamentarians who are allied with the president, there has been no coordinated movement in the president´s allied networks against the STF.

This is an important step forward. However, the risk of further friction remains on the horizon.

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