Army takes decisive advance on terrorists

UKRAINE - In Brief 20 Jul 2014 by Dmytro Boyarchuk

Over the last few days Ukrainian army is making strong advance on separatists. From messages we have the picture is not complete but we know that the army has finally encircled the territory and broken separatists into three group. Two of them (near Donetsk and near Lysychansk) seem to be totally cut off from Russian supplies. The third one (concentrated in Luhansk), probably, still has supplies from Russia (too close from the border) but it is under serious attack: military report the army already ‘cleaned’ large part of the city. Meanwhile Russian army continues over-the-border shelling of Ukrainian army causing substantial damages to Ukrainian squads and keeps sending support with ammunition, manpower and tanks to the groups of terrorists they can reach. Probably, it is too early to celebrate the progress. In light of recent events we see that stakes for Moscow increased incredibly. However, if the info on encircled groups of terrorists near Donetsk and near Lysychansk is true we have good chances to clean the rest of the territory already in August. The bad news is that after all recent events it is not clear whether destroying terrorists on Ukrainian territory will end this war.

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