Belarus general strike failing

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 03 Nov 2020 by Alex Teddy

On November 2 over 1000 pensioners marched in Minsk. Many carried the red and white flag which was the national flag of Belarus in the early 90s. On November 1 a march resulted in 231 arrests. Men who are arrested are often beaten with batons on the thighs so their injuries will not be so visible.The general strike proclaimed on October 26 has met with little response. People are afraid of losing their jobs, especially in such a dire economic situation.There are regular protests but numbers are dipping. The weather is getting colder, and opposition morale is flagging. Lukashenka seems immovable. Lukashenka has met some opposition activists in prison to see if he can inveigle them into calling off protests. Russian support for him is unwavering.

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