Better abroad than at home

TURKEY - Report 10 Apr 2022 by Murat Ucer and Atilla Yesilada

Long discarded by the West as “no longer useful”, Ankara’s Bladerunner tactics in the East-West conflict arising from the Ukrainian War has earned President Erdogan a new look from Western governments. However, he is not ready to follow through with concessions on key disputes to turn diplomatic gains into bucks.

While Erdogan may have staged a half-hearted U-turn in foreign affairs, domestic policy is still guided by surreal thinking, which makes it more difficult to rescue the economy from the maws of stagnation, or AKP-MHP from sagging polls.

The politics author explains in detail how poverty is turning into malnutrition. He also cites Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to explain why Erdogan will not win the next elections.

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