Bolsonaro unhappy with approval of the bill to fight fake news

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 01 Jul 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

While speaking to supporters today in front of the Alvorada Palace, President Jair Bolsonaro expressed his opposition to the approval yesterday of the bill against fake news in the Senate by stating, "The proposal should not seek to avenge." Bolsonaro stated that if the proposal also passes in the House, there is a possibility he will veto the text. “I think that in the House it will be difficult to pass. Now, if it does, there is still the possibility of the veto," said the president.

The likelihood is that the pressure from bloggers, YouTubers and others will be intense in favor of a presidential veto because, after all, the strength of Bolsonarismo lies in social media. In addition to the president´s supporters, there has also been much criticism of the proposal for allegedly posing a threat to freedom of expression. On the other hand, its supporters argue that the spread of fake news needs to be controlled.

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