Brazil Presidential Election

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 24 Sep 2014 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

CNT and Ibope Polls Show a Close Race; Vox Populi Presents a Scenario Favoring Dilma The three voting intention polls released yesterday present a similar electoral scenario for the first round.In the second round, CNT and Ibope show a technical tie between Dilma Rousseff (PT) and Marina Silva (PSB).However, the Vox Populi poll gives the president a significant lead, beyond the margin of error.According to that poll, Dilma has 46% and Marina has 39%.Vox Populi also gives Marina only a five-point lead over Aécio Neves (PSDB).According to Ibope and CNT/MDA, her lead is approximately 10 points...

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