Brazil Presidential Election

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 23 Sep 2014 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

CNT/MDA: Dilma Increases Lead over Marina in 1st Round; Technical Tie in the 2nd Round The Vox Populi poll released yesterday presents a scenario in which Dilma Rousseff (PT) and Marina Silva (PSB) are tied, the same scenario registered by polls last week.The president leads in the 1st round.The PSB candidate leads in the 2nd, although by a margin of only 1 point. The new CNT/MDA poll released this morning shows that the presidential race is even closer and more unpredictable.Dilma Rousseff (PT) expanded her lead over Marina Silva (PSB) in the 1st round.Marina’s losses, added to Aécio Neves...

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