Lula may have the most TV and radio time and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 07 Feb 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Congress meets on Tuesday to review presidential vetoes. The rapporteur of the Tax Reform proposal, Roberto Rocha, may submit his report to the CCJ of the Senate. The fuel issue remains on the agenda in the Executive and Legislative branches. The Genial/Quaest and XP/Ipespe polls on the presidential election are expected to be published.

This week's Talking Points:

* Lula may have the most TV and radio time.

* How Auxilio Brasil may help Bolsonaro.

* The Dilma factor in Lula's campaign.

* Party federations: obstacles in the legislative elections.

* The deadline approaches, and parties still haven't reached an agreement.

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