Central Asian countries disagree on cooperating with the Taliban

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 11 Oct 2021 by Alex Teddy

On October 7 the Uzbek foreign minister visited Afghanistan. Taliban leaders publicly promised him that they they will never interfere in Uzbekistan. The Uzbek government is worried that the Taliban might have helped Islamists in Uzbekistan. Some Afghans are ethnically Uzbek. Uzbekistan has a bridge across the river into Afghanistan. There is a railway line from Uzbekistan into Afghanistan. They provide electricity to the Afghans. There are good economic reasons to reach an accommodation with the Taliban. The Taliban is speaking about hiring Uzbeks to rebuild Afghanistan.The Taliban has been at pains to convince its former Soviet neighbors that the Taliban is not a menace. No country has so far recognized the Taliban as the legitimate government.On October 1 Moscow encouraged former Soviet countries to develop a working relationship with the Taliban.In October 2021 there was a buildup of Tajik troops along the border with Afghanistan. The Tajiks accused the Taliban of massing fighter along the border. The Taliban confirmed that they had sent some units to the region.Tajikistan denounced the Taliban for war crimes committed in Afghanistan in September 2021. The Taliban told the Tajiks to butt out of internal Afghan affairs. Dushanbe repeated its call for the Taliban to form a coalition with moderate groups.25% of Afghans are ethnically Tajik. Most Tajiks are anti-Taliban. The Taliban is overwhelmingly drawn from the Pashtun ethnicity. Tajikistan is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). Russia is the leading member of CSTO. Russia does not want to have to come in and save Tajikistan if it gets into a conflict with the Taliban. But Russia is read...

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