80% Approve

CHILE - Report 26 Oct 2020 by Robert Funk

In an 80-20 vote, Chileans opted to begin a process to draft a new constitution. In April they will elect a constituent assembly, which will then have a year to do its job. The process introduces new uncertainty to Chilean politics, but also helps the country heal not only from the conflict of the last year, but also from the indignity of feeling it was being governed by a constitution imposed in dictatorship. Now, together with constitutional politics, presidential electoral politics will get under way.

Although the road ahead is set, it is fraught with uncertainty. But Sunday’s referendum does provide a few hints:

First and foremost, Chileans breathed a collective sigh of relief at the orderly and peaceful way the vote was carried out. After a year of intermittent violence, and of course in the context of Covid-19, it was reasonable to question whether the referendum could be carried out at all. In the end it was, and with spotless efficiency, thanks to Chile’s excellent electoral service. Voters were even offered a quick spray of disinfectant alcohol on their hands as they entered polling stations. Later, thousands gathered in Santiago’s Plaza Italia, the scene of many clashes with police, to celebrate peacefully. Similar scenes occurred around the country.

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