Politics: Continuing US leaks about alleged narco money in AMLO’s campaigns heighten tensions and raise more questions

MEXICO - Report 04 Mar 2024 by Guillermo Valdes and Francisco González

An article in the February 20 issue of The New York Times, under the byline of the paper’s chief correspondent in Mexico, revealed the existence of an informal investigation by officials from an unspecified US government agency of allegations of donations by drug cartel leaders to AMLO's successful 2018 presidential campaign. It appeared only three weeks after an article by ProPublica reporter Tim Golden regarding allegations investigated by the DEA of donations by a drug trafficking group to AMLO’s 2006 campaign was published in The New Times Magazine.

An initial subject of considerable speculation in Mexico has been whether it is a coincidence or if there any intentionality in the publication of two investigations by US officials on the probable financing of AMLO's presidential campaigns in the space of less than a month, just when the presidential campaigns are underway in both countries. However, there is considerably less speculation as to the way in which López Obrador yet again lashed out at both the messengers and anyone else questioning his authority, including his latest acknowledgement that he refuses to respect the autonomy and independence of the Judicial Power, while insisting he is above the law. Yet again, the condemnation outside the governmental sphere was unanimous.

This week we analyze the various hypotheses as to the timing and the ultimate source of the leaks out of Washington, the response from the National Palace, and their implications for bilateral relations.

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