Politics: A de-legitimizing loss of civility, and new corruption scandals within the 4T and the opposition threaten citizen participation

MEXICO - Report 16 Jan 2024 by Guillermo Valdes and Francisco González

The behaviors and practices of members of the political class from all parties in Mexico show with increasing brazenness what little regard they have for rules. The privileges that government officials and party leaders have historically enjoyed plus the widespread corruption under the previous presidential administration served as the breeding ground for the 2018 electoral success of López Obrador, whose style of exercising power and that of many of the people close to him have proven to be "the same". The damage is not limited to undermining the personal reputation of AMLO and those who personally commit such acts, but has also extended to a significant weakening of institutions.

As scandals continued to abound in and around the administration camp, the PAN and PRI found themselves in a major bind of their own as a spat between two leaders of each party revealed backroom deals in which they agreed to divvy up not only publicly elected offices but also un-elected government posts. These included areas one would have in mind for conducting business under public administration protection, such as construction of educational infrastructure, the board of roads or water provision, civil registries, tax and fee collection areas and even notary public offices.

None of this is news that bodes well for public trust in politics or even for trying to convince voters to show up at the polls on June 2. This week we take a look at the latest developments and their implications for the future.

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