Ecuadorians overwhelmed by political scandals

ECUADOR - In Brief 09 Mar 2018 by Magdalena Barreiro

A new political scandal emerged last week when a mafia-type phone conversation between the President of the Assembly, Jose Serrano and the former Comptroller General Carlos Polit, now a fugitive from justice in Miami, was made public by the Attorney General, Carlos Vaca. In this conversation, Serrano and Polit not only refer to Vaca in harsh terms, but they suggest the need to “take him down”. Today, Vaca and Serrano were called by the full Assembly to explain these facts. After their presentations, legislators voted and approved to depose Serrano from his office and to impeach Vaca. Thus, in this year, Ecuadorians have –for the first time in their history –a vice-president in jail and a deposed president of the Assembly. So, once again, political affairs relegate economic decisions to the background as the controversial new minister of finance Elsa Viteri announces a delay in the submission of the economic plan expected for this week while Minister of Electricity Elsy Parodi resigns after suggesting a revision to derivatives subsidies.

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