Eleven weeks is an eternity

COLOMBIA - Report 13 Mar 2018 by Juan Carlos Echeverry, Andres Escobar and Mauricio Santa Maria

A one-liner summarizing the results of last Sunday’s congressional elections would be that political extremes were strengthened, and congressional power has been fragmented. Indeed, the two party primaries gave momentum to the more radicalized views of the political right and left. Nearly six million (5.9 million) votes were cast for Gran Consulta por Colombia, in which conservatives and Uribistas chose their presidential candidate (Table 1). The last time the political right participated in a democratic election was for the peace referendum, on October 2, 2016. The “No” vote then won with 6.4 million votes, 50.2% of the total valid vote. It is remarkable that in the March 11 primary they were able to attract 5.9 million votes, more than 90% of the votes obtained 15 months ago.

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