EU states to expel Russian diplomats

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 09 Feb 2021 by Alex Teddy

On February 8 Germany, Sweden and Poland announced that each were expelling one Russian diplomat. This is hitting back for Russia's expelling a diplomat from each of those three countries. The EU diplomats were expelled for attending a pro Navalny rally.EU foreign policy commissioner Josip Borrell was in Moscow on February 5. Talks with Lavrov seem to have paid no dividends. The jailing of Navalny has strained relations with the EU. Russia insists this is an internal matter and the EU should mind its own business.On February 22 Borrell met with all EU foreign ministers to discuss additional sanctions on Russia. These would require agreement from all 27 EU member states. There is a chance that a country such as Cyprus might veto it.

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