Fernando Villavicencio has been murdered

ECUADOR - In Brief 09 Aug 2023 by Magdalena Barreiro

Fernando Villavicencio, was a presidential candidate until today at 6 pm.  He was murdered with three bullets to his head perpetrated  by a hit person during a political meeting that was being held at an academic institution. He was the former head of the fiscalization committee in the Assembly and was the most direct and strong oponent to Correa.  For a long time, Villavicencio has been submitting formal claims of corruption against officers of the government of Rafael Correa and other members of his party. Last week in an interview with the very-well known journalist Carlos Vera, he informed he had been threatened by this party as follows: "If you continue to attack our party and members of our party, we will break you". Fernando Villavicencio was placed in second and third place of vote intention according to different poles.  Albeit his death does not threaten the probability that Luisa Gonzalez will pass into the second round of the electoral elections, the probability of his winning in the second round was a clear danger for corrupt members of this party.  The majority of the intention of vote for this respected candidate will most probably be transferred to Otto Zonnenholzner. We are in mourning not only for his death, but for the tragic level of violence in Ecuador.  RIP

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