Fidesz holds its lead just one week before the election, poll says

HUNGARY - In Brief 29 Mar 2022 by Istvan Racz

Exactly one week before the election, due on the coming Sunday (April 3), Závecz Research measured in an opinion poll 41% support for Fidesz and 39% support for United for Hungary, that is the united opposition, both as percentage of the whole electorate. Závecz Research is a leading local pollster, known as independent and reasonably credible.This result means no change from previous measurements: Fidesz is still likely to win with a simple majority, acquiring between 50-60% of all parliamentary seats. Opposition parties keep claiming that polls tend to overmeasure Fidesz, and yes, there were occasions in the past when this was actually the case. But there is no evidence whatsoever that support for Fidesz would be once again overestimated in the polls, except those research firms, which are specifically known as being politically affiliated with the governing party.Another circumstance which opposition parties keep bringing up as a factor supporting them is that they have managed to mobilise some 27k activists to participate as official vote counters at the election. This means that there will be two opposition-delegated vote counters (who also supervise the whole voting process on the spot) at all voting places next Sunday. This is indeed a major difference from the previous election in 2018, when the opposition was not represented by any vote counters at 43% of all voting venues. Opposition parties claim that the absence of their proper representation may have led to cases of election fraud in several voting districts in 2018.

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