First comments on the Mexican elections

MEXICO - In Brief 01 Jul 2018 by Esteban Manteca

July 1st was the biggest election in Mexico history. So far, electoral booths have closed in almost every state in the country. However, we will not be able to send any electoral data on the presidential race until 8pm tonight, bacanes booths will close by then in every state and the Mexican law allows the publication of exit polls only then. However, there have also been gubernatorial elections in nine states. Of those states, El Financiero Bloomberg, a newspaper in Mexico, has published the following data: Morena wins Mexico City, Morelos, Chiapas and Tabasco. PAN/PRD/MC win Guanajuato. Movmiento Ciudadano wins Jalisco. The race is very tight in Puebla, Veracruz and Yucatán. In the latter lies the only possibility for the PRI to retain one gubernatorial race out of the nine that were held today. INE reported a record participation of voters today. They still do not publish that data, but in general Mexico had a peaceful and orderly election. As soon as more reports come to light, we will let you know right away.

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