Former Ukrainian President flies home despite treason charges

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 17 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

Petro Poroshenko returned on January 17. The treason charge is because he allegedly facilitated coal deals with pro-Moscow rebels. He says the charge is politically motivated. Hundreds of well wishers greeted him. Poroshenko said that Ukraine must stand up to Russia.Prosecutors are seeking an arrest warrant for Poroshenko. If arrested he might be granted bail. His assets have been frozen. If convicted he could be given a 15-year sentence.European Solidarity is Poroshenko's party and it is a serious force in politics. He said he was fighting for Ukraine and not against Zelensky.Poroshenko predicted he would not be arrested on landing. He has proven correct. He served as president 2014-19. He was defeated by Zelensky in an election.Why has Poroshenko returned now? It could be that due to tensions with Russia he thinks the authorities will go easy on him.

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