GDP in the First Quarter and Perspectives

BRAZIL ECONOMICS - Report 01 Jun 2020 by Affonso Pastore, Cristina Pinotti, Marcelo Gazzano and Paula Magalhães

In Brazil, the reaction to the pandemic only started in earnest in the second half of March, but this was sufficient to provoke 1.5% contraction in GDP for the first quarter. Although a campaign is clearly underway to relax the social distancing, the contagion curve is still increasing exponentially, indicating that by one way or another the pandemic will persist, more severely undermining GDP in the second quarter. So far, we have not altered our projection for 7% contraction of GDP in 2020. However, as will be shown in this report, the most recent data from the job market indicate the decline will likely be greater. In the final analysis, before the start of the pandemic, the only demand component sustaining recovery was household consumption, which is set to contract in the second quarter a good deal more than in the first.

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