German investment in Russia highest since 2008

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 17 Apr 2019 by Alex Teddy

German investment in Russia reached over EUR 3 billion in 2018. This was the highest figure since 2008. However, in those 10 years the number of German businesses in Russia declined from 6 000 to 4 500. The 2018 investment figure was EUR 3.2 billion: a twofold increase on the 2017 figure.Germany and Russia have close historic links despite some very dark chapters. As East Germany was pro-Soviet for over 40 years quite a few middle aged Germans can speak Russian. Germany is one of the largest Western investors in Russia.Relations between the two countries have been difficult at times due the Ukrainian issue. Sanctions have prompted some German companies with withdraw from Russia. Trade between the two countries was worth EUR 61.9 billion last year. However, Russia is running a trade deficit with Germany.

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