The government´s Tax Reform proposal reaches Congress

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 21 Jul 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, submitted the government’s Tax Reform proposal to the National Congress. The bill was sent to the president of the Senate, Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP). The first stage of analysis will deal only with the unification of the PIS and Cofins taxes. Thus, more complex issues, such as the inclusion of state taxes in this single tax, and changes in the income tax and fiscal charge, will be dealt with in a second stage, for which no date has been set. Even with the challenges that the tax reform will face, the fact that the proposal was submitted by Paulo Guedes to Congress and that Guedes posed for a photo with Rodrigo Maia and Davi Alcolumbre shows important progress.

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