Growing rift between Russia and Israel

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 31 Oct 2023 by Alex Teddy

On October 31 Israel criticized the Russian government for failing to prevent a crowd trying to stop a plane from Israel landing in Russia. The crowd of hundreds took over the Makhachalka Airport and was looking for Israelis and Russian Jews. One police officer was killed in clashes. 60 people have since been arrested. The airport is in the mainly Muslim Republic of Dagestan. Relations between Israel and Russia were cordial until 2022. They have deteriorated since the Ukraine War despite Israel's neutrality. The Russian Jewish community asked for vigorous action against those who briefly took over the airport. In Russia unauthorized demonstrations are severely punished. Organizing mass unrest is punishable by 15 years in jail. The Jewish community says life is very difficult for its people in Dagestan.  Putin is not anti-Semitic and even appointed a Jewish Prime Minister. Putin blamed the Makhachalka incident on outsider interference. Putin said the Gaza Conflict is due to Western diplomatic failure. 16 Russians were killed by Hamas on October 7 but Russian criticism of Hamas has been very restrained. 

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