Guedes outlines a series of measures to stimulate the economy, Ciro Gomes and Bolsonaro speak at the CEO Conference and the OAB files a case against the court-ordered payments constitutional amendment

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 23 Feb 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

One of the measures outlined by Guedes is to reduce the rate of the Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) by 25%. There should also be a new access-to-credit program for small and medium-sized companies, and access should be granted to FGTS resources for people to pay off debts. At the CEO Conference held by BTG Pactual, Ciro Gomes will speak at 2:15 p.m. and Jair Bolsonaro at 5 p.m.. Yesterday, Sérgio Moro and João Doria spoke. The rapporteur of the case filed by the OAB, Minister Rosa Weber, asked the Planalto Palace, the House and the Senate to position themselves within 5 days. The proposal was approved to allow for the R$ 400 Auxílio Brasil program.

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