
UKRAINE - In Brief 23 May 2019 by Dmytro Boyarchuk

We wrote that the Ukrainian establishment is disoriented. We were wrong. Alena Shkrum, MP from Batkivshchyna party wrote that parliament is in hysterics. Whatever is the format of elections – majoritarian vote or the party lists – Zelenskiy takes the majority. Collecting 226 seats through the party list would be easier but a majoritarian vote is not a problem, either. Rumors say that candidates from majoritarian counties are lining up for the ‘Servant of the People’ party. They have their own funds and electoral capacities – they just need to be blessed to use the brand. This layout is driving current MPs crazy. They are losing power much faster than any expected. And the current sabotage of presidential initiatives only adds fuel to the fire – the resistance of elites makes Zelenskiy him even more popular among lay Ukrainians.

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