Kazakhstan to hold referendum on nuclear energy

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 05 Sep 2023 by Alex Teddy

On September 1 Tokayev delivered a keynote speech in which he said the country would decide whether or not to build nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is a controversial topic in former Soviet countries because of Chernobyl. Kazakhstan has plenty of oil, gas and coal so why does it need nuclear energy? The project would be in conjunction with Russian companies Rosatom and Severstal. Collaborating with them is risky because they are sanctioned. In 2022 Rosatom bought a major uranium mine in the country.  Kazakhstan is the world's biggest uranium producer. Tokayev noted that mining is vital for economic growth. The president announced social benefits for miners from the age of 55 and early retirement for them. President Tokayev said that water supply did not matter much for the country as agriculture is a minor part of the economy. He reiterated that importance of developing a trade route across the Caspian Sea. Tokayev ruled out the election of regional governors.  The president noted that Kazakhstan needs to attract foreign banks but he did not say how this would be achieved. He engaged in the ritual exhortation to diversify the economy away from hydrocarbons.  The minimum wage will go up to USD 185 per month in 2024. That is a rise of about 20%.

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