Kazakhstan: uneasy calm returns

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 07 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

On January 7 the president said that order has largely returned. Russian troops have been deployed there at Kazakhstan's request. The government announced that 26 armed criminals have been killed. Roughly 2,300 people have been arrested. About 2,000 people have been injured. President Tokayev said that ''terrorists are still using weapons.'' He did not identify any of these terrorist groups. He claimed that they were trained abroad but did not name the countries. Tokayev vowed to annihilate the terrorists. He said that Russian troops would remain for a short time. This is the first time Russian troops have been deployed in independent Kazakhstan. Tokayev has been making announcements in Russian TV. He usually speaks Kazakh. His return to the Russian language is perhaps to curry favor with Moscow. Two years ago he made speaking Kazakh compulsory at cabinet meetings. The state of emergency lasts until January 19. No large gatherings are allowed. Tokayev has slightly eased restrictions on dissent over the past 3 years. He will surely change course now. Some of the protesters' fury was directed at the Leader of the Nation: Nursultan Nazarbayev. He holds that title for life. A statue of him was torn down.The US has expressed its disquiet at the presence of Russian troops in Kazakhstan.

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