Kazkahstan strikes

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 07 Sep 2021 by Alex Teddy

There have been large scale strikes across the country in summer 2021. The government is nervous as the 10th anniversary of the strikes in December 2011 at Zhanozen, Kazakhstan, approaches. At that time, the police shot 100 unarmed demonstrators, at least 14 of whom died. The strikes this year have been mostly in Mangystau Province in the west of the country. Many oil workers have struck. Ozenmunaygaz is the company most affected. The strikes have spread to other sectors.Workers have asked for an extra month's pay if they work in areas with toxic fumes. This is danger money. Other demands have been for COVID tests to be paid for. Until now workers have had to pay for these tests themselves. They can cost up to USD 100, which is ruinous in a country where the average monthly wage is USD 300. Workers have asked for milk, which they are legally entitled to. Many Western foreigners work in the oil fields and they are paid several times more than their Kazakh colleagues. This causes resentment.Establishing a labor union is very difficult in Kazakhstan. In practice strikes were not allowed. On June 20 over 600 people at a company called KEZBI went on strike in Zhanozen. That is half the workforce of the company. KEZBI repairs oil wells. This is dangerous work. In 2013 some 28 KEZBI workers were poisoned, and 2 died at work. KEZBI strikers want a 100% pay rise and higher pay for working on public holidays. They are also seeking free medical treatment at clinics. Oil from Manystau has made some people in Nur Sultan very rich, but the province is still poor. The cost of living is high. The province is full of oil towns. Well-paid Western workers are driving up prices. At Aqtau ...

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