Lula resumes the utilitarian voting approach, Bolsonaro appealed to women in his interview last night, and the TSE unanimously approved the implementation of one of the Armed Forces’ suggestions to increase electronic ballot box security

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 14 Sep 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

In a meeting on Tuesday Lula said, “There are candidates who have 1% and still believe they will win, so with my 46%, I have to believe that, within the next 20 days, it is possible to gain the remaining 5% of votes that we need to win the elections.” With an eye on the female electorate, Bolsonaro mentioned the Caixa Econômica Federal's credit program for women during his interview on the Ratinho program. He also said that food prices at the supermarket will decrease thanks to family farming. Yesterday, the TSE unanimously approved a pilot project to include voter biometrics in the ballot box integrity test carried out on election day. The proposal was presented by the Armed Forces at the Elections Transparency Committee.

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