Lula will hold the first ministerial meeting of 2024 on Monday, three bills submitted by the government should be put to a vote next week, and the STF is expected to analyze the case of the lifetime review of the INSS

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 15 Mar 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula will hold the first ministerial meeting of 2024 on Monday, March 18. The meeting was motivated by the drop in popularity recorded by opinion polls published a few days ago (Atlas, Genial/ Quaest, and IPEC). Next week, starting on March 19, four bills that have an urgent status in the House will be placed on the plenary agenda. Among them, three were authored by the Executive Branch. At the Supreme Federal Court (STF), attention is focused on the trial on March 20, with a high potential for impact on the public accounts. The case is an appeal filed by the Attorney General's Office (AGU) against the decision that recognized the right of retirees to opt for the application of the most beneficial rule when calculating their retirement benefit (lifetime review of the INSS).

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