Many questions, no answers

TURKEY - Report 21 Apr 2024 by Murat Ucer and Atilla Yesilada

While President Erdogan promised change after the defeat of the AKP-MHP alliance, so far, he has neither taken any steps, nor has he provided any hints about new policies, save in economics. Pro-AKP press claims he is biding his time, but the first essay in the politics section concludes the President is facing too many dilemmas to formulate any new policy. In terms of the economy, new measures may be announced in May, but it is difficult to believe these will amount to a comprehensive stabilization effort.

The victor CHP has wind in its sails and is planning to leverage its superiority in municipalities to make its electoral gains permanent. Yet, it has no agenda for a new constitution or an economic program to rival that of Mehmet Simsek.

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