Mayor of Moscow re-elected

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 11 Sep 2023 by Alex Teddy

On September 11 the results were declared. It was no surprise, and Sergei Sobyanin won 76% of the vote—carrying every Moscow district. He vowed to continue to upgrade the city. He defeated four candidates all of whom are pro-Putin. Sobyanin is a long time Putin confrere. He is a member of United Russia, which is the main pro-Putin party. Turnout in the election was 40%, which is unusually high. Most people do not vote because they are apathetic and think the election is rigged. Online voting is perhaps the reason for increased turnout. There were complaints that some voters were intimidated at polling stations and that the electoral commission did not abide by its own procedures.  September 8-10 saw about half of the Russian regions and 5 regions in Russian-controlled Ukraine hold regional elections. Results have not yet been declared. There have been numerous complaints about impersonation and bogus voting. These elections are seen as a dry run for Putin's re-election campaign in the spring of 2024. 

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