MegaFon starts project to provide satellite data access

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 31 Oct 2020 by Alex Teddy

MegaFon wants to allow people on the ground to access data from low Earth orbiting satellites. MegaFon will invest USD 76 million between now and 2022 in researching new tech. MegaFon 1440 will be set up. That will be an R and D company. The objective is to allow high speed access to data from space via a satellite network. 1440 is an allusion to Sputnik.Yardo is Russia's best computer systems developer. It will head the project. MegaFon and Yardo are part of USM which is a holding group owned by Alisher Usmanov. He has made many successful investments in tech. He invested in facebook before its IPO.MegaFon 1440 is to move beyond the present terrestrial networks. It will be accessible even in the most isolated places. Russian mobile phone companies are advanced. They have the latest tech. Russian has the largest phone market in Europe.MegaFon is one of the major four mobile phone providers. The company wants to cut the cost of making satellites and ground equipment.

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