Minister of Finance Resigns

PERU - In Brief 04 Jun 2018 by Roberto Abusada

Minister of Finance David Tuesta resigned his post, apparently in protest for several conflicts with Prime Minister Villanueva and President Vizcarra regarding fiscal measures. Tuesta recently increased excise taxes on various products including fuels, tobacco, alcohol, sugared drinks, and automobiles. He justified this measure in terms of negative externalities. However, it was clear that he was also concerned about the fiscal situation. Excise taxes on fuels unleashed protests from transport operators as the diesel fuel was the one that received the highest increase on environmental justifications. The government, as in other occasions, reacted by opening a negotiation with transport operators.Tuesta is replaced as Minister of Finance by his chief advisor, Jose Arista. Arista briefly occupied the post of Minister of Agriculture during Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's last cabinet. He has held several posts in the Ministry of Finance in past governments, most of them related to budgetary issues.

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