Moldova has met most conditions for EU membership

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 14 Mar 2024 by Alex Teddy

On March 12 the EU Commission privately published a report saying that Moldova has met 11 of the 12 conditions for accession talks. The report was leaked to the media. The last remaining condition is to examine the background of judges properly and appoint a new Prosecutor General. There have been doubts about judicial independence and neutrality.  If accession talks begin this does not guarantee that Moldova will join the EU. Even if Moldova is admitted to the EU this might not be for several years. There are a few countries ahead of Moldova in the line to join the EU. All 27 member states would need to approve Moldova to join the EU. However, it will be difficult to overcome reluctance from some countries because Moldova is so poor and some of its land is occupied by Russia.

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