Moldova struggles to pay for gas

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 17 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

On January 13 the country paid its gas debt to Gazprom for gas bought in December 2021. Moldova is the second poorest country in Europe. It has trouble paying for gas as world prices are sky high.In October 2021 there was a state of emergency over gas prices. The country started buying gas from EU countries. Moldova and Gazprom agreed to a 5-year deal for a new price formula in 2021. Moldova must make a down payment for January 2022 gas by January 20. The purchase price is now USD 647 per thousand cubic meters. The country is asking Gazprom to accept payment 10-20 days late.Some commentators say Moscow is using gas as a political weapon. Moldova wants to join the EU. If Moldova drops this and becomes pro-Russian then Gazprom will go easy on prices. Gazprom said this is nonsense. Like any other company it is profit driven.

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