Moreno 2, Vice presidents 0

ECUADOR - In Brief 04 Dec 2018 by Magdalena Barreiro

Vice-President Maria Alejandra Vicunia, Vicepresident of Ecuador presented her resignation today after accusations of extortion of public servants during Correa’s government. Vicunia has not denied public servants made payments in exchange of public jobs, but she said those payments were “voluntary and transparent”. Vicunia was elected from a list of three candidates sent by President Moreno to the Assembly after former Vice-President Jorge Glas was impeached on charges of corruption. She was a loyal supporter of Correa, and her nomination was probably the result of political negotiations when president Moreno was trying to build his political stance last year. President Moreno left her without functions a few days ago the same way he did with Jorge Glas. In this context, Vicunia asked for an absence without pay to have time to defend herself, but the evident lack of support from her party at the Assembly and the majority vote froma legislators asking her to step down, forced his resignation. President Moreno will have to send a three-candidate list for the second time to the Assembly for her replacement. We see Vicunia’s fall as another casualty caused by the blunt corruption from the past administration without much impact on the government’s stability. On the other hand, the names on the list of candidates --especially the first one --will convey important information on the future political consoloditation of the government. In summary, in less than 18 months, president Moreno has get rid of two vice presidents who were close collaborators of former President Rafael Correa. Not a bad score.

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