The STF to analyze two important matters today

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 14 Apr 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Supreme Federal Court (STF) will analyze two important matters today. First, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso’s decision to decree the installation of the COVID CPI in the Federal Senate will be reviewed. His decision will likely be approved, as there was a similar case in the court previously that was also approved. Regarding the start date of the CPI, the STF will also likely confirm that it begin its investigations immediately. Given that the installation request was read in the Senate yesterday, Senators have until April 23 to complete the creation of the CPI. Second, the STF should adjudicate Minister Edson Fachin’s decision to annul former President Lula’s cases in the state of Paraná and transfer them to the Federal District’s judicial circuit. The STF will likely confirm Minister Fachin’s decision. Additionally, the court will analyze, and likely confirm, the case against ex-Minister Sérgio Moro in the handling of Lula’s cases.

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