Moscow to start vaccination on December 5

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 03 Dec 2020 by Alex Teddy

On December 3 the Mayor of Moscow announced that the vaccination of high risk groups will commence this weekend. The president ordered Sputnik V vaccine to be rolled out across the federation as soon as practicable. Medical staff, teachers, police officers and other frontline public sector workers will be vaccinated along with the elderly and the ill.Moscow is starting before other regions. The capital is crucial for the economy. The disease spread more there than elsewhere due to population density. Over 100,000 people have already been vaccinated out of a population of 145,000,000. Vaccination will be gratis and optional. A large minority of people and even doctors distrust Sputnik V. Sputnik V's developers say it is 95% effective.The UK authorized Pfizer BioNTech's vaccine on December 3.

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