Moves to ease the crisis

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 06 May 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The appointment of Fernando Marcondes de Araújo Leão to be the general director of the Department of Works Against Droughts (DNOCS), replacing José Rosilonio Magalhães de Araújo, signals that the negotiations of President Jair Bolsonaro with the centrist parties (Centrão) are advancing. Araújo Leão is currently affiliated with Avante, but has been in the PTB and PP. The three parties are part of the Centrão. After DNOCS, new appointments are expected to move forward. Negotiations are underway for appointments to the National Health Foundation (FUNASA) and secretariats in other ministries.

Although the Centrão has not yet been given the command of a cabinet ministry, the appointments come with political and financial influence and suggest that the government is gradually moving toward coalition presidentialism as a way to build support for the administration’s agenda. Despite the fact that the Centrão is not very popular with the public, Bolsonaro’s moves reduce his vulnerability in the National Congress, bringing some of the political center to his side. Even though he is unlikely to get the parties 100% aligned, it is an advance in the political relationship between the executive and the legislative branches.

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