No new US sanctions on Nord Stream 2: rumors

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 19 May 2021 by Alex Teddy

On May 18 Axios reported that the United States shall not impose further sanctions on the gas pipeline. The US Government will not sanction Nord Stream 2 AG - the Swiss company controlled by Gazprom - that is involved in building pipeline. The US is refraining from sanctioning the firm due to national security reasons.The US is keen to improve relations with Germany and the two nations disagreed over the pipeline. Washington remains opposed to the pipeline. Biden is due to meet Putin in the summer of 2021. Escalating tensions might mean no summit.Gazprom shares rose 5% on May 18 in reponse to the news before falling on May 19.The State Department has to send the Congress a report every 3 months naming firms and ships participating in Nord Stream 2. It is thought that few Russian ships shall be on the list which will be published late on May 19. Nord Stream 2 AG is likely to be on the list.The pipeline will increase Russia's gas export potential twofold. The pipeline is 95% finished.

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