Oil workers' strike in Kazakhstan

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 14 Jan 2024 by Alex Teddy

On January 5 oil workers for a Chinese owned company called Velikaya Stena went on strike in Manghystau Region. They want lay-offs to be reversed and they demand higher salaries and fair working conditions. The strikes are in Aqtau. They have requested the president to mediate. Other oil transport workers in the region have been on strike since December 2023. They work for West Soft Oil. The company has threatened to fire them, but after 4 weeks it still has not done so, perhaps because they are difficult to replace. Oil is still being produced and exported from Kazakhstan. The government is worried that strikes could spread. January 2022 saw major unrest all across the country that led to over 200 deaths. President Tokayev is more merciful than his predecessor. A strike in 2011 led to at least 14 people being shot dead by the police.

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