Opinion polls vs. the economy

TURKEY - Report 12 Sep 2021 by Murat Ucer and Atilla Yesilada

New surveys reveal that a summer of decent GDP growth notwithstanding, the broader state of the economy, unemployment and high cost of living remain the leading concerns of Turkish citizens.

There is widespread dissatisfaction with the way Turkey is governed as well as on most policy issues, such as migrants and aid to victims of natural disasters, while support for Erdogan and AKP-MHP alliance hovers around year-lows.

Erdogan seems to have gotten the message, promising in last week’s speeches to deal with the high cost of living at once.

Yet, his intended methods may actually make matters worse for producers and consumers. His only chance of winning the next election, is to rapidly improve economic activity, but there are numerous obstacles to his success, which are structural in nature.

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