Parliament has authorised PM Orbán to veto the 2021-2027 EU budget and the Next Generation instrument

HUNGARY - In Brief 14 Jul 2020 by Istvan Racz

In a resolution proposed by Fidesz and approved earlier this week, parliament decided the following:'...the National Assembly calls Hungary' Government to act upon the following principles in the process of adopting the Next Generation EU instrument and the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) by the European Council:- member states in equal situations must be treated equally;- citizens of richer member states should not receive more support than the citizens of poorer countries;- the ongoing Article 7 procedures must be concluded before the adoption of the Next Generation EU instrument and the MFF;- political parties and organisations conducting political activities but disguised as civil organisations cannot receive financial support from the EU;- tying funds to political and ideological conditions - under the title of the 'rule of law' - is unacceptable.In practice, this means a call for PM Orbán to veto the European Council's approving decision later this week (on July 17-18) if the foregoing conditions are not met.Apparently, PM Orbán is determined to fight hard at the upcoming Council meeting. He most probably hopes to get support from other CEE member states, which also want to get more funds out of both EU instruments, and especially from Poland, against which an Article 7 procedure is also ongoing. And mainly, he is determined to resist to a rule-of-law clause, through which his domestic political position could be completely undermined, in addition to averting the risk of his opposition being financed by the EU in case of a major conflict at some point in the future.Mr. Orbán is probably counting on the fact that the urgent approval of both the common b...

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