Peace talks on Ukraine falter

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 19 Sep 2019 by Alex Teddy

On September 18 peace talks on the Ukrainian Conflict faltered. Steinmeier forumla had been suggested which entailed both sides withdrawing combatants gradually. Donbass would also be given a unique degree of autonomy. Moscow stipulated the aforementioned conditions in order to attend a summit in France. The French and Germans and of course the Ukrainians were also due to attend the summit. The summit has now been postponed sine die. Ukraine and Russia are still discussing the transit of Russian gas through Ukraine and onward to the EU. The contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz is due to run out very soon. The issues for a new contract are how much gas will transit Ukraine and how long the new contract will last. The EU would like 60 billion cubic meters per annum for 10 years or more. Russia suggested a contract for one year after which it can be reviewed. Russia knows that time is on its side with Nord Stream 2 due for completion and the new branch of Turk Stream coming on tap in 2020.

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