Pension Reform: Committee concludes vote on report

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 05 Jul 2019 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The Special Committee on Pension Reform in the Lower House concluded the vote on the report by Rep. Samuel Moreira (PSDB-SP). This is an important victory, not only for the government, but especially for the speaker of the Lower House, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ). If, on one hand, Maia was unable to include states and municipalities in the proposal, he was crucial in having the vote in the committee concluded this week. His greatest challenge is now to vote on the proposal in two rounds on the Lower House floor before the recess (July 18). This is not an easy task. In 2003, the first round vote alone for the Pension Reform proposal presented by Lula took two weeks (August 5 and August 13).

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